The SCOPE Team

The Team

This diverse group brings together scientists from across the globe, each wielding their unique expertise: earth observation scientists, oceanographers, marine biologists, data analysts, machine learning experts, and modelers.

WP1: Consolidation of Scientific Requirements

WP2: Product development

WP2.1: Product development- Air-sea C02 exchange and surface ocean carbonate chemistry

WP2.2: Product development- Interior DIC and Carbonate chemistry

WP2.3: Product development- Land-sea exchange and Coastal Carbon

WP2.4: Product development- Dissolved Organic Carbon

WP2.5: Product development- Phytoplankton Carbon

WP2.6: Product development- Primary Production

WP2.7: Product development- Export production

WP3: Dataset generation and validation

WP4: Science case studies

WP5:  Impact Assessment Report (IAR)

WP6: Scientific Roadmap

WP7- Scientific coordination, networking, and partnership

WP8: Promotion

WP9: Management

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Gemma Kulk

Dr. Gemma Kulk

Science lead

David Moffat

Dr. David Moffat

WP2, WP4 AI scientist

Jon White

Jon White

WP8 lead

Megan Thompson

Megan Thompson

WP8 web developer

Elin Meek

Elin Meek

Project manager


Dr. Mayra Rodriguez

WP2.5 and WP4.1 scientist

Dr. Lekshmi Krishnakumary

WP2.5 and WP2.6 scientist

University of Exeter

Daniel Ford

Dr. Daniel Ford

WP2.1 scientist

University of Bergen

Prof. Are Olsen

WP2.2 lead

M Becker

Dr. Meike Becker

WP2.2 scientist

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NERSC)

Dr. Antonio Bonaduce

Dr. Antonio Bonaduce

WP2.2 and WP4.2 co-lead

Dr. Tsuyoshi Wakamatsu

Dr. Tsuyoshi Wakamatsu

WP2.2 and WP4 co-lead

Prof. Dr. Johnny A. Johannessen

Prof. Johnny A. Johannessen

WP2.2 and WP4.2 scientist

Dr. Roshin Raj

Dr. Roshin Raj

WP2.2 and WP4.2 scientist

University of Tartu


Prof. Tiit Kutser

WP2.3 and WP4.1 co-lead ​

Photo K Toming

Dr. Kaire Toming

WP2.3 and WP4.1 scientist

Finnish Meteorological Institute

University of Reading

University of Oxford


Prof. Heather Bouman

WP2.6 lead and WP4.1 scientist

Brockmann Consult


Dr. Ralf Quast

WP3 science lead


Dr. Roman Shevchuk

WP3 technical lead

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

E Bellacicco

Dr. Marco Bellacicco

WP2.5 and WP4.2 scientist

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)

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